St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Reddish

Wellbeing at St Joseph's

Welcome to our happy school. We love learning and we love our school but there are days when things don’t turn out the way we expected or we just feel a bit out of sorts. We know that these feelings are completely normal and there are things that we can do to help us feel better!

We are a growth mindset school! This means that we can accept change and move on when things are tricky. We know that it’s ok to have a wobble because that’s how we learn and develop. We challenge ourselves and accept that sometimes the outcome will be positive and sometimes not as we’d hoped BUT THAT’S OK!

There is a wide range of extra-curricular activities available, and we do a range of sports – a healthy body can lead to a healthy mind.

We promote a healthy diet. School dinners are tasty and nutritious, and we are encouraged to bring in healthy snacks. The infants have a piece of fruit or vegetable-based snack each day. We drink plenty of water to keep ourselves hydrated – this is linked to better performance in the classroom and supports general wellbeing.

Everyone at St. Joseph’s is responsible for pastoral care but we have a pastoral team, who work together to ensure that children and families get the support that they require – Mrs Falsey (Assistant Headteacher), Mrs Wroe and Miss Wrigley (Family and Learning Engagement Officers) and Geri Murdoch (Children and Young People’s Counsellor). We know that if we need to speak to a grown up about something, we can ask a member of staff in our class or see any member of the pastoral team. We can visit them in their designated rooms, see them around school as they are outside most break times and lunch times, and you can also put in a slip to see Geri during lunchtimes. If any parents wish to contact the team directly, they can email on


Emotional Wellbeing

The emotional wellbeing of children is just as important as their physical health. Good mental health allows children and young people to develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.

Things that can help keep children and young people mentally well include:

  • being in good physical health, eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise
  • having time and the freedom to play, indoors and outdoors
  • being part of a loving family
  • going to a school that looks after the wellbeing of all its pupils
  • taking part in local activities for young people

Other factors are also important, including:

  • feeling loved, trusted, understood, valued and safe
  • being interested in life and having opportunities to enjoy themselves
  • being hopeful and optimistic
  • being able to learn and having opportunities to succeed
  • accepting who they are and recognising what they are good at
  • having a sense of belonging in their family, school and community
  • feeling they have some control over their own life
  • having the strength to cope when something is wrong (resilience) and the ability to solve problems.

Most children grow up mentally healthy, but surveys suggest that more children and young people have problems with their mental health today than 30 years ago. That’s probably because of changes in the way we live now and how that affects the experience of growing up.

Dealing with change

Mostly things that happen to children don’t lead to mental health problems on their own, but traumatic events can trigger problems for children and young people who are already vulnerable.

What mental health problems commonly occur in children?

There are several types of mental health problems that children may encounter for example; feeling low or depressed, self-harming or post-traumatic stress.

What help is available?

Parental help

If children have a warm, open relationship with their parents, children will usually feel able to tell them if they are troubled. One of the most important ways parents can help is to listen to them and take their feelings seriously. They may want a hug, they may want you to help them change something or they may want practical help.

Children and young people’s negative feelings usually pass. However, it’s a good idea to get help if your child is distressed for a long time.

School support

Our pastoral team offer support to children and families. Here are some of the ways we can help –

  • emotional support for bereaved families and signposting to external support agencies
  • support for pupils experiencing friendship difficulties
  • support for children who are anxious and have low self-esteem
  • support for families new to the school
  • strategies for parents to support their child’s wellbeing and health, close links with the school nurse and other outside agencies
  • support for children and families in difficult circumstances

Professional help

If your child is having emotional difficulties, a teacher, school nurse or educational psychologist may be able to help. Otherwise, you can go to your GP or speak to a health visitor. These professionals are able to refer a child for further help. Different professionals often work together at CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, (formally known as Healthy Young Minds)


CAMHS offer specialist services to children and young people who are experiencing mental health difficulties. They help children and young people up to the age of 18 years and provide assessment and intervention and support to their families/carers. CAMHS are based at The Forum, Tameside House, Denton, Tel: 0161 716 5868


Organisations that can help

ChildLine 0800 1111

Nicola O'Neill School Nurse - 0161 835 6759
Stockport Foodbank - 07483 115349

Contact a Family – for families with disabled children

To support children who have been affected by bereavement -

Family Lives support for families on a range of issues


Start Well Stockport 

Epec - Empowering Parents Empowering Communities - parenting courses run by other parents. 0161 406 9558

The Prevention Alliance support with mental and physical health, housing and finance.

The prevention alliance has advice on domestic violence, budgeting, bills, finances, benefits