St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Reddish


Meet the Team 

Early Years Team:


                Mrs AM Edwards (EYFS Phase Leader), Mrs H Harrison, Miss S Zeal, Miss Z Bridge, Miss E Hencher, Mrs C Barnes




Class Reminders

  • Please label all clothing.  That way if anything gets lost, we can return it to you. 
  • If you know someone new will be picking up your child from school, please let me know or ring our school office. 
  • We will be outside most days at some point. Please ensure your child has appropriate outdoor clothing (waterproof coat with a hood, waterproof shoes, or sunhat depending on the weather).
  • Please read with your child every night and write in their reading record. 


Our Learning

We aim to make the children's learning fun, exciting and engaging. Our topics are based on quality texts, and we try to follow the children’s interests when planning activities.



Just Like Jasper! by Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen

We will begin the academic year by reading Just Like Jasper! by Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen.


This is a bright, colourful picture book in which the reader helps Jasper choose how to spend his birthday money. Jasper plays with just about everything in the toyshop. But what will he eventually buy?


This book will help us to discuss how we would choose to spend our birthday money in a toy shop, what our favourite toys are and will help us to understand the value of coins.

Lost in the Toy Museum by David Lucas

We will then look at Lost in the Toy Museum by David Lucas. One night, when the lights go out at the toy museum, everyone runs off and hides. Left all on his own, Bunting, the sensible old toy cat, sets out to look for them. As he follows the trail of clues through the museum, the normally reserved Bunting learns how to have fun in this affectionate picture book.


This book will help us to focus on counting and one more/one less, and we will focus on hearing initial sounds in words and giving meanings to marks we make as we draw, write and paint.


There will also be independent rainbow challenges for the children to complete in the different areas of the classroom. We will be doing lots of varied learning based on the stories and we can’t wait to see what the children produce!


This half term, we will be exploring numbers up to 10.  We will be counting forwards and backwards, focusing on matching quantities and numerals, talking about the significance of numbers, and exploring one more and one less. We will be touching on using every day language related to money and concentrating on 2D shapes.

 Religious Education

The Catholic ethos of our school is at the centre of all our learning. In RE we follow the ‘Come and See' Scheme.


This half term our topics include ‘Myself’ and ‘Welcome’. We will be learning about God’s love and how God knows everyone’s name and loves unconditionally. We will also be answering the question what is special about me? We will then discuss how you are welcomed into God’s family, and what a baptism is.