St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Reddish

Early Years

Please scroll to 'Nursery' or 'Reception' to view specific activities related to the current topic.

Nursery and Reception

If you click on the link below you will find a range of fiction and non-fiction books, which can either be read by the child, a family member or you can click the speaker for the story to be read to you.

Oxford Owl is a free website which has a wonderful amount of learning opportunities. This link below leads you to a full range of ebooks for either the children to read, an adult to read to the child or there is a play button which allows the book to be read to you (this may help once the child has already read the page to improve comprehension).

There are also some great maths activities on this website via the link below.


The books below have been added to the Oxford Owl library and are about the current situation. Everybody Worries is more appropriate for our age group, however some Reception children may be interested in Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home.

Phonics Play is a website that is used to support children in learning to read by developing their skills in phonics. Currently, the website have offered their services for free to parents. The login is as follows:


username: march20

password: home

Nursery: Please look at the Phase 1 tab on the left and play these games.

Reception: Please look at the Phase 2 tab on the left and play these games.

There is a new website for the same company which allows access on mobiles and tablets.


Please continue with your daily prayers.

Ten Ten also have 15 prayers for the current school closures; these range from a prayer at bedtime to a prayer for those who are ill.

Below is the link for the Sunday liturgy.




Superworm by Julia Donaldson

Re-read the story together if you have the book or watch on YouTube.

Can you join in with the repeated language?

Which part of the story did you like best?

Draw a picture of and write a sentence about your favourite character in the story.

Can you make up your own superhero similar to those in the story? Draw a picture and sentences to describe him or her.

Read Write Inc.

Read and practise all sounds learnt so far- m a s d t i n p g o c, k, u, b, f, e, l, h, r, j, v, y

This week you could concentrate on the letters w, z, x.


Letters hunt

Make flashcards by writing all of the sounds covered so far- use squares of card or paper. Can you make words with the cards and sound them out? Eg. c a t = cat etc.


Find the object beginning with the letter …

Play – I spy with my little eye something beginning with … w, z, x?


I spy sheets – Can you colour all the things that begin with w, z and x?


Writing letters

Write the letters w, z and x on large pieces of paper using pens and pencils.


Can you order your numbers from 0-10 using your flashcards? 

All about the number 9 and 10- complete these sheets.

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Superworm craft ideas

Make Superworms using card and wool or string.

Make a Superworm using paper chains.

Make a model of a Superworm using playdough or plasticine and add buttons or beads to decorate.


Pinterest has lots more simple ideas for craft activities.

Physical Development

Try a workout with Jump Start Jonny- we have been doing them in school and they are great fun!

Try to do the superhero workout every day.



This week we are basing our learning on the story of The Cautious Caterpillar! Below is a PowerPoint of the story.

What happened in this story? How was Cody feeling at the beginning? How did she feel at the end? What changed?


Either using the stick puppets below or by making your own, can you retell the story, whilst describing how Cody feels throughout her adventure?

Can you look at the document 'Spreading My Wings' and think about how you will be spreading your wings from Reception to Year 1?

Can you think about how you feel about the change from Reception to Year 1 and answer the questions on 'How Am I Feeling?'

What are your wishes for Year 1?

Your new teacher will want to know all about you! Can you fill in the football with pictures or writing of things your new teacher will be interested to know?

 Spreading My Wings from Reception to Year 1.pdfDownload
 Stick Puppets.pdfDownload
 How Am I Feeling.pdfDownload
 My Wish For Year 1.pdfDownload
 All About Me.pdfDownload
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Phonics games


Yes/No Yeti - Read the Yeti's question, then complete the bridge with either the YES or NO block. If the answer is correct the penguin will make it across the bridge to its friends.


Penalty Shootout - choose the correct spelling of the red words (also known as tricky words).


Can you colour the shapes correctly? Can you name the shapes? If you don't have a printer, can you create your own picture using 2D shapes?

There are a range of maths activities! How many can you complete? 


 2D Shape Colouring.pdfDownload
 Maths Activities.pdfDownload
 Maths Activities 2.pdfDownload
 Maths Activities 3.pdfDownload
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Funky Mummy

Looking at addition or subtraction from 20. Can you complete the number sentence, select the correct sarcophagus and watch the mummy dance?

Shape patterns

Can you complete the shape patterns? Can you complete all of the levels?

Physical Development

Can you raise the roof? (Pretend it says 2020 not 2018!)


You have been a superhero this year! Can you create yourself as a superhero, and comment on all the amazing superpowers you have earned in Reception? 

You could choose one of the superheroes on the first two pages and stick a photo of your face on the body, and decorate however you would like! Or you could choose the third page to completely design what you look like as a superhero. You could even dress up, take a photograph and use that as your creation!