St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Reddish

Welcome to 4HM-

Summer is here! We hope you have enjoyed your Easter break - and enjoyed time together. We are looking forward to a very successful summer term!  

On our class page you will find lots of answers to any questions you may have.  We will post our spellings each week and reminders of when to bring kits etc.

Homework will be given out on a Thursday to be handed in for the following Tuesday.  Spellings and times tables will be weekly and we may ask children to complete additional home learning activities for particular skills based work.

Our class page is updated regularly with the exciting things we are doing in class so keep checking in with us.  Any other questions or queries you may have throughout the year please get in touch.


In Class 4HM we have:

Mrs Montgomery: Class Teacher    Mrs Aiello- Teaching assistant.     Mrs Mackenzie- Teaching assistant     

Back where we belong! Back in school with our friends! We have worked (and played) so hard on our return to school!

Science- We have been exploring magnets this half term!


Please find below a copy of the information from the DfE about the multiplication check.

Children will be given spellings and times tables to learn every Monday.  They will be tested on a Friday. You will find updated lists of the spellings on this page each week.

12th July  

By the end of year 4 children should have quick recall of all times tables KEEP PRACTISING! 

This week we will be focusing on our 6 & 7 time tables.

In addition we have started the 50 club! This is a weekly activity- 50 times tables in 5 minutes.  When you get all 50 correct you can move onto the second sheet.  The first sheet concentrates on the x2 x5 x10.  Remember that quick recall is important and will help all aspects of our maths learning! 


RE - Advent

We are thinking about how Advent is a time of preparation- getting our hearts ready for the birth of Jesus at Christmas.  We have made our Advent promises and will be thinking about the important words as we journey through Advent.

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In RE, we will be exploring the Sacrament of Confirmation. We will build on our knowledge of Baptism as the first Sacrament we received.  We will be exploring how we are all chosen just as the disciples were chosen by Jesus. We will be looking at the different stories in the old and new testament when people were called by God. We will explore what it means to belong- in our families, our school, clubs etc and link this to our faith and what it means to confirm our faith. We will learn about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how these impact our lives. During the Month of November we will also be focusing on the month of Remembrance.

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Science - Living Things

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Science - Autumn 2
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In science this term, children will develop their understanding of living things such as pondlife (following our fieldwork trip), birds, trees and woodland animals. The children will be looking at how living things can be grouped in a variety of ways. They will explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment. They children will also focus on changes to the environment and what impact this can have in the long term to the living things. Year 4 will spend some time bird watching, identifying trees at St Josephs and recapping what we found in the pond during our fieldwork trip.

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Geography - UK Regions

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Geography - Autumn
Geography - Autumn
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We will be learning about the 12 regions of the UK (9 of them being in England!) We will be researching the regions and comparing the North West to the South West, finding our similarities and differences in the human and physical features. The children will also further develop their knowledge of compass points. Year 4 will use atlases, Google maps, DIGIMAPS and aerial photographs to enhance their map reading skills and identify the key cities within the regions.

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Share the Learning-    Please find below the overview for this term.  We are going to be learning lots of fabulous things and developing our skills across the curriculum.  We will be asking the children to complete some home learning projects over the next few weeks so please feel free to get involved!  We look forward to working together.

RE- Family! In RE In Autumn 1 we were looking at what being part of a Family means to us. We are one Family who love and care for each other. We will be looking at our own family trees and Jesus'. We will be reflecting on the part we play as members of God's family. We have asked the children to discuss their own family trees with you.


We have been using scripture from Matthew’s gospel to work out Jesus’ family tree. We worked in partners to find out the lineage fromAbraham to Jesus.

In science this term we will be been investigating Solids,Liquids and gases. We will begin to plan fair tests recognising the variables in an investigation. We will investigate how objects melt- we have made predictions and recorded conclusions.

ART- in art this term we are focusing on our drawing skills. We have explored how to create different shades using just our pencils.



During this current time we will not be having indoor PE.  We will be having 

Games will be every Friday supported by Chris from City in the community.  Please do not leave Games kits in school- Bring in Games kit each Friday.  Can you also send in a lightweight rain jacket as we will aim to get out in most weather.


Children in need day- Own clothes Friday 13th November

River Mersey trip -Wednesday 7th October

Hello Yellow day - Mental Health awareness day - all donations go to Healthy Young Minds charity.

water workshop in school - Wednesday 14th October

Year 4 Curriculum Overview


 Y4 NW regions project.pdfDownload
 Y4 SW regions project.pdfDownload
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