St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Reddish

Welcome to 1JG’s webpage!

We're really looking forward to getting to know you all and having lots of fun this year.

Meet the staff

Miss Garner


Dates for the diary

   Christmas Jumper Day - 11th December 2020


General Announcements

Could we please ask that you send your child into school with a labelled bottle of water as currently water fountains are out of use.

Please send your child to school each day with a piece of fruit, cheese or a squeezy yoghurt for their morning snack. These should be labelled with your child's name and brought in their book folder. They will then place these into the snack basket for morning breaktime. 

Thank you! 

Important information

Information on this page is specifically for children in 1JG. Start and end times for others classes may vary.

The school day starts at 8.30.

The door will be open from 8.30 until 8.40. After this time children will be unable to enter the classroom, so please arrive promptly.

The school day ends at 3.00

ACE Assemblies will take place on Fridays.

You will be informed if your child has won an ACE award - due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to welcome families into school to celebrate ACE assemblies with us at this time. 


My favourite food is... Gruffalo Crumble!

It's been another exciting week in 1JG.

On Monday Miss Garner received some photos of foods that we would need to make our own Gruffalo Crumble... but there were no instructions to tell us how to do it! We set about writing a shopping list, and then wrote our own Gruffalo Crumble recipe. Once we knew how to make it there was only one thing left to do, try it out! We followed our recipe carefully and made an impressive looking crumble. We showed great patience when we left the crumble to chill overnight, and finally on Friday afternoon came the most important test, the eating!! They do say 'the proof is in the pudding' and based on the smiling faces in our classroom, I'd say it was a success! Well done everyone! 


A Gruffalo? There's no such thing as a Gruffalo!!!

This week in 1JG we got the shock of our lives after Miss Garner accidentally left the window open!

We came into school to find some very mysterious footprints and a terrible mess in our book corner! We set about investigating straight away and it became clear that our visitor might have been a Gruffalo. After letting the rest of the school know we made some 'Wanted' posters to see if there had been any sightings of the terrible beast.

The following day we got another surprise when the Gruffalo appeared at our window! Luckily for us he was a very friendly Gruffalo who even apologised for the mess he'd made. What an exciting week!

Children in Need!

Thank you so much for all of your generous donations for Children in Need. We had a fantastic day wearing our own clothes and raised lots of money for a great cause. 

Strange goings on!

We were greeted by a mysterious note this week! We had to mutter one of the Witch's secret spells and revealed our very own magic potion recipe!! We wasted no time and got straight down to creating our own magical potion! 

Bonfire Night!

This week we have been learning about Bonfire Night and how we can keep safe whilst celebrating. We also used our Art skills to create some brilliant Bonfire Night pictures. 

What we’ll be learning this half term.


 Our Topic this half term is... Julia Donaldson! 

This half term our focus will be on Julia Donaldson books, we will be reading lots of her books and using them throughout all of our subject areas!




Each day the children will continue to practise their phonics, reading, and writing through Read Write Inc lessons. Alongside this as part of our Julia Donaldson topic we will be doing work focussed on rhyming, describing and writing about characters and continuing to develop our sentence writing. 

If you have any Julia Donaldson books at home you might like to share those with your child and ask them about the characters and rhyming too. 

We are continuing to practise our handwriting through daily sessions and you can support us in this by practising your pencil hold and letter formation at home too.

There are also lots of ebooks available to read at:



In Maths we are starting to use our Maths No Problem approach to learning, this means that we will be not only developing our number skills, but also considering how we have found the answer, how we can show our understanding and beginning to see how we can use our maths to solve problems.

Initially we will be focussing our learning on addition and subtraction and geometry. We are doing lots of work on our number bonds to 10, reading writing and solving number sentences and using objects to practically support our understanding. We will be using the language more, less, add, plus, take away, subtract, equals. We will also be learning the names of different 2D and 3D shapes and exploring their properties.


RE -  Advent - Waiting

We will start this half term by learning about All Saints Day and Remembrance Day, followed by our Advent topic in RE.  Through this topic, the children will be learning about how Advent is a time of waiting to celebrate Jesus’ coming at Christmas.  The children will be exploring the Christmas story through artwork, drama and readings from the Bible.


Daily reading is extremely important. We are listening to your child read every day in school and we ask that you also hear them read every day for 5-10 minutes each night and sign their Reading Record.